Nigerian singer Simisola Kosoko, better known as Simi, recently shared the reason she fell in love with her husband, fellow singer Adekunle Gold. The revelation came after Adekunle Gold showcased his graphic designing skills by editing a water bottle out of a photo of Nigerian chess master, Tunde Onakoya. The edit was done as a favor after the chess master requested it on the social media platform X.
— BIG FISH (@adekunleGOLD) August 17, 2024
Simi reposted the edited version of the photo and humorously stated:
“This was why I fell for you. I don’t know who sent you to start singing.”
Before his successful music career, Adekunle Gold was known for his graphic designing and photoshopping talents. He gained significant attention for his skills, which eventually led to him designing the logo for Olamide’s record label, YBNL Nation, where he later got signed as an artist.
Simi and Adekunle Gold got married on January 9, 2019, in a private ceremony in Lagos, and the couple welcomed their first child, Adejare, in 2020.
This anecdote not only highlights the couple’s shared sense of humor but also sheds light on the creative bond that has been part of their relationship from the beginning.