Efia Odo, a popular Ghanaian reality star, has revealed that Afro dancehall artiste Shatta Wale dumped her two weeks after she tattooed his name on her body. Efia shared this personal story during an appearance on the ‘Rant, Bants and Confessions’ podcast.
Speaking about her love life, the reality star detailed her relationship with Shatta Wale, highlighting the effort and care she invested in him and his friends. She recounted:
“He broke up with me 2 weeks after I got his name tattooed on my hubs, he saw me doing the tattoo. When I love, I love hard. That is just who I am.”
Efia also mentioned her financial contributions and support during their relationship:
“With Shatta Wale, I was cooking for him and ten of his friends. Imagine buying groceries for all those people, and I also supported his family — all with my own money. I have always been in love.”