Popular comedian and skitmaker Denilson Igwe has accused his former collaborator, Mark Angel, of spreading false rumors about his death following their fallout.
Appearing on a recent episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, Igwe shared his shocking allegations:
“He [Mark Angel] told people that I’ve died. There’s a video he made about it. He said, ‘Denilson don die o!’ When they asked him, he said I was dead.
He further recounted an incident where someone called him to verify if the rumors were true:
“Someone even called me recently to confirm if I was dead. And I told him I’m still alive.”
Igwe also hinted that other collaborators of Mark Angel, such as Emmanuella and Success, might eventually come forward to share their own negative experiences with him.
As of now, Mark Angel has not responded to these allegations.